Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why Can't I Get Motivated

I have so many projects to do, but why can't I get started on them? Why can't I get motivated?
In the current economic climate, it is more necessary than ever to be proactive toward success. Having the skills to get and keep motivated and setting and achieving goals can mean the difference between growing your business and income or succumbing to the attitude that you are a victim of the times.
Get the skills you need to finally get motivated and on the path to making your dreams come true!
The How To Get Motivated course answers the questions: Why do we procrastinate? And sometimes end up doing nothing? Why do we occasionally delay some trivial thing that then develops into a crisis?
On this course you will learn:
  • The pitfalls of leaving something incomplete - how it doubles your work.
  • An exercise that will help you rise above your troubles.
  • The exact anatomy of control and precisely how to direct people, objects, and activities in your environment.
Here is a success story:
"Procrastination has been the bane of my existence. Because of one piece of information on this course, I just pushed through and didn't procrastinate. This culminated in my applying for a job I would not otherwise have applied for. The result: I got an incredible job that will not only cover my financial needs, but allow me to pay back bills and taxes. I'm excited!" R.S.
Enroll on the How To Get Motivated course today!

To register or for more information, please contact:
The Church of Scientology
Mission of Milwaukee
3533 S. 68th St.
Milwaukee, WI 53220